Chances are if you go to an elite university you will be educated by a radical leftist professor like Barack Hussein Obama.
Seraphic Secret would like to add a brief follow-up to yesterday?s post about the non-apologies of Barbara Walters, Anna Wintour and Joan Juliet Buck for their enabling of the murderous Assad regime of Syria.
There is one theme that constantly appears when western progressives make excuses for their support and friendships with barbarians: ?They were? educated in the west.?
Let us stipulate that education is, usually, a good thing.
You are almost certainly going to be poor in America if you do not have a high school education.
And if you have a college education you will almost certainly prosper.
But those are just material benefits.
Education?hopefully?has a moral component.
If you attend Hillsdale College, you will receive an education in American values.
If you go to Yeshiva University your education will focus on Torah values.
Enroll in Bard College and you will end up worshipping Che.
Education is often a bad thing. In fact, much of so-called higher education in the west is nothing more than leftist indoctrination, radical propaganda.
Classic Marxist theory holds that revolutions are led by an educated vanguard. Those who work with their bodies are too preoccupied with putting food on the table to take time off for revolutionary activities. But university students who sleep till noon then gather in Starbucks to ?deconstruct the texts? of Jane Austen are primed for socialist activism.
As all totalitarian regimes from Nazi Germany to North Korea understand it is children and the educated classes who are most vulnerable to radical propaganda.
In defense of their embrace of totalitarians Bashar al-Assad and his ?thin and well dressed? but equally evil wife Asma, Barbara Walters, Anna Wintour and Joan Juliet Buck all explained that the Assads were educated in the west. As if a western education is an automatic immunization against evil.
But facts have demonstrated, again and again, that the intolerant and murderous ideologies of modern totalitarians?primarily Arab Muslim jihadists?is not refuted by a western education. In fact, a western education often enables the totalitarian.
Every single one of the 9-11 terrorists had a western education.
And almost every modern middle-eastern tyrant has been given the most expensive and exclusive private education in England or America.
It?s no surprise that elitists like Walters, Wintour, and Buck reference western education as a positive model. After all, these people are all products of such institutions. And they think the world of themselves.
Seraphic Secret believes that the leftist ideologies which permeate numerous departments of our elite universities provide the perfect breeding ground and justification for the persecution of religious minorities?Jews, Christians, Druze?and mass murder in the gobbley-gook that is multiculturalism and moral relativism.
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